How Reiki Speeds Up Healing
Why is Energy Healing Important for Your Basic Health?
The Human body is a wonder of physical, mental, emotional, and energetic components. All of these systems are intricately connected to each other in ways that are not fully understood yet. Since we are all energetic beings, our system being out of whack can affect multiple aspects of our lives. For the purposes of this article, we’ll just focus on how energetic imbalances can affect your body’s health.
You may be asking; how can energy really effect how I am feeling? Well there are multiple ways that this can work. I’ll give a basic example. Scientific evidence supports that there is a direct correlation between your emotional state and your physical health. It is much more common to get sick when you are feeling stressed, sad, or angry versus calm, and happy. When dealing with these “negative” emotions our body becomes more susceptible to disease and illness because our energetic system is out of whack and therefor by extension so is our body. This is why during the winter months, when the sun is limited and we are more prone to depression and stress, it is more common for people to become sick. While “negative” emotions are all valid emotions, it is important to properly work through them and allow them to flow or they eventually turn into an energetic block that can create many more issues. Having these emotions is not the problem, feeling different emotional states is a cornerstone to the human experience. There is no such thing as a negative emotion, all of them are important and serve a vital function. Not properly feeling and working through the emotions is what turns them negative. It is perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, stressed and other iterations of these feelings. But when they are not properly dealt with and released, they become stuck in the body. The more a person suppresses their emotions, the more physical ailments manifest in the body.
Think of your body in terms of a flowing river with the water being the energy that flows through all of us. This isn’t exactly how it works but bear with me for the example. If something, say a log (i.e. emotion), were to become trapped in the flow of the river it would disrupt the natural course of the current. If the log is not properly allowed to flow along with the current it could lead to more and more problems like debris piling up to create a damming effect. When the river is dammed, it only has a limited if any flow downstream and causes the upstream flow to go into a state of discord. The blockage would cause disruption and distortion to the ecosystems both inside and outside of the river.
Let’s move on to talk about the physical body for a second. Depending on multiple variables, the human body is stated to be an average of 60% water. Water is a great energetic amplifier. If you are unfamiliar with how water can be shaped by thoughts and emotions, I urge you to check out Dr. Emoto and his studies of water. These studies go into detail about how water that is exposed to loving intentions result in pleasing geometric shaped molecular formations while those on the opposite side of the spectrum form distorted formations. This shows that the vibration of an emotion can cause distortion. One of the amazing things water is capable of is diffusion through the process of osmosis. Meaning that water will spread from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration until it forms an equilibrium. This is also true for your energy field. If the energy of a “negative” thought, emotion, or pattern is held in the body long enough it will spread throughout the entire body. While at first the body exhibits a more localized ailment relating to the specifics of the blockage, with enough time more ailments will pop up as the blocks become worse and the energetic discord elevates.
How can Reiki and energy work help this? Getting to the root of the problem, dealing with the emotions, and balancing the blocked energy leads to the body healing the ailment caused by the distortion. While anyone can do this inner work, it can be difficult to see the solution to the problem when you are in the middle of it. Getting in touch with an adept energy healer can not only speed up the process, but help you out in the future. Reiki practitioners improve and redirect the flow of energy in and around the body to rebalance the system. This allows the body to properly heal what was in a state of constant discord. When our energy is balanced, our immunity is strong and our physical health increases. No matter who you are and what you have been through, you deserve to be happy and healthy. Try out a Reiki session with me and experience how it can help you.
Rebecca, Reiki Master Practitioner