Reiki FAQs:![Energy stones on colored leaves](
What is Reiki and what does it mean?
Reiki is a Japanese-styled energy healing modality first discovered and utilized by Dr. Usui at Mount Kurama. The term “Reiki” derives from the Japanese words rei (霊), meaning “universal,” and ki (気) which refers to the vital life force energy found in all things. Reiki can be utilized through hands-on or distance methods. Reiki promotes relaxation and reduction of stress in all levels of life. Practitioners use their hands to deliver Source energy to the client’s body to balance and support the energy system. Reiki can target and assist in getting rid of all kinds of maladies by realigning the body to help it better heal itself.
What can Reiki help with?
Reiki is capable of helping with almost any issue or malady whether they be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. The top things that individuals normally utilize a Reiki session for are to help with anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, and pain. Anyone, including animals can benefit from receiving a Reiki session.
What should I wear?
Please wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes with socks as shoes are typically removed. As body temperatures can fluctuate on the table, it is advised to dress in layers if possible. Blankets can be added or removed during a session as well if needed. Avoid wearing any excessive lotions or perfumes and remove any jewelry that might get in the way before hand.
When should I arrive?
It is advised to arrive approximately 5-15 minutes before a session in order to complete any necessary paperwork. This gives the practitioner time to understand and prepare for each individual session. It is advised to utilize restroom facilities prior to a session.
What information will I have to provide?
This information would include any details of specifics you would like the practitioner to be aware of or focus on. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues should be noted if they are to be targeted during the session. Any allergies or injuries currently causing pain should be recorded. Basic information about the client would also be completed. This is also the time to ask any questions that have not been answered prior. Practitioners want you to feel at ease with the process so now is the time to express any needs or concerns. If you think something would assist you, please bring it up with the practitioner so they can work with you. Don’t feel shy, we are here to help and it is okay to have special needs.
What are the basics of a session?
During a session, the practitioner practices non-invasive light hand touches on certain body areas to help balance and move energy throughout the body. The client remains clothed on a padded table while the practitioner works their way around the client’s body. Sensitive and inappropriate areas such as the chest and groin are avoided. Additional areas to work on can be requested and/or avoided per client request. In the case of an open wound or burn, practitioners do not directly touch the site but will hover slightly over it. Relaxation techniques are used to help put the client into an optimal, receptive state. These can include soft meditation-like music, breathing techniques, and aromatherapy. Pillows and blankets can be removed and/or provided to help increase relaxation.
What will I feel during a session?
Each individual person is unique and therefore capable of experiencing different things. It is not super uncommon to not feel anything other than deep relaxation and the gentle touches. People who are not use to feeling or noticing energetic shifts might not pick them up during the session. Some might feel tingling, warmth, emotions being brought to the surface, cold, pulsing, spaciness, or slight vibration. For some, receiving Reiki can be eventful while others it can be more subtle. It is most common to experience at least an almost immediate release of stress and deep relaxation. Some enter such a deep, relaxed meditative state that they fall asleep. Please notify your practitioner if you require a special way to be awoken if this occurs. If emotions arise during a session, please allow yourself to feel what is coming up, thank it, and release it. This is a safe space and the practitioner will not be offended if you feel the need to release blocked emotions. Reiki is a continual, cumulative process and changes or benefits might not be made immediately apparent on the table as the Reiki energy continues to work on a client after they leave. As the day progresses you could notice shifts such as being more centered, sleeping better at night, the absence of pain, increased energy, and reduction in anxiety. Please speak up if you feel uncomfortable at any point in the session, practitioners strive to make you as comfortable in the provided safe space as possible.
What should I do during a session?
Have fun and enjoy the experience! Allow the process to relax your mind and body. Don’t attempt to force yourself to relax, that should happen naturally with the Reiki. One can focus on presence by being mindful of what your body and mind are feeling and experiencing. You can daydream, enjoy any music if it is playing, and/or observe your breathing. Some choose to meditate and others may fall asleep. For the client, receiving Reiki is a passive experience. If anything, belly breathing is recommended during a session to help the client reach a deeper state of relaxation. If you are unfamiliar with this process, instead of breathing shallowly from the chest, focus your attention to the belly or base of the spine and breathe into that area. Imagine the area deflating and inflating as you breathe into the location. Thinking in/out or counting 1/2 along with inhales and exhales can assist you with this process.
What happens after a session?
The practitioner will gently help you back into a more aware state and off the table. Water may be provided if available. If you had any fun experiences the practitioner would love to hear about them! Practitioners may provide some after-care suggestions. Most people generally leave a Reiki session feeling refreshed and energized, and sometimes they feel more tired in the evening than usual. This is not an adverse reaction, but the body’s natural healing response. It is common for clients to report a sense of calm, mental clarity, and good night’s sleep after experiencing a session.
What should I do after a session?
Drink plenty of water, especially including electrolytes if possible. Eating fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables also assists the body in hydration and rebalancing. It is recommended to stay away from any extremely processed foods if possible. Listen and try to heed anything that your body is telling you. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself the space and self-care that you need as your body heals. If you are feeling tired, why not take a nap or snuggle up with a nice book? Taking an epsom salt bath can also be beneficial after a session, helping your body purge anything that it no longer needs. It is not uncommon to experiences changes in your immediate diet (cravings) or short term changes in your digestive process (loose stool). These are all normal results of your body’s healing response as it rebalances and heals your system. If any old emotions should arise, allow yourself to feel, thank and release them as your body is cleansed.
How many sessions should I receive?
All Reiki sessions are beneficial for a person to receive. There is no set answer to how many a client should receive since everyone is different. For serious issues, it is recommended to receive more sessions to assist the body. In the end it boils down to the client and what they feel would be most beneficial to them. A single session for one individual can be just as powerful as two sessions for another person. At minimum it is recommended to space out any sessions by a few days. Feel free to discuss with your practitioner to determine what would be best in your specific circumstance.
Is it safe to receive other medical care along with Reiki?
Absolutely! Our bodies are a combination of physical, mental, and energetic components. Each component is different but intimately connected to the others and important. Reiki will only ever assist healing with other methods, never hinder. An example would be: if someone were to experience a traumatic car accident, while healing their physical body afterwards is vital, it is equally as vital to heal their mind and resolve the emotions behind the incident. On average a bone may take 6-8 weeks to heal but trauma can take anywhere from days to years to heal. Trauma therapy would only increase the effects of the physical therapy. Reiki does not take the place of medical care nor vice versa, they are each components which target a specific area of healing but synergize with the other. Only when all the systems are functioning properly can we live at optimum health.