Invigorate Yourself This Spring
Massage therapy is relaxing, but a lot of bodywork can also be invigorating. Even if you prefer the most relaxing session you can possibly achieve, you’ll be investing that restorative time into your wellbeing which will serve you at a later time. Let yourself enjoy those quiet moments so we can fully engage as things gear up with Spring and Summer weather.
How do you best de-stress?
Introverts need quiet time. Extroverts need time with others. What fuels you beyond those basics? Music? Watching the birds, bunnies, and other animals doing their thing in nature? Staring out at the lake? Playing with your own companion animlas? Be sure to take time for what fuels you. Regularly.
Massage is an integral part of caring for your body, mind, and spirit. Many of us with chronic pain need it for regular maintenance to be able to do the things we want to do, and many more people would benefit from regular massage than usually realize it.
If you only get a massage a couple times per year, you would definitely improve your overall health with monthly sessions. We’ve got wellness programs designed to incentivize your commitment to your own health and well-being. Whether Reiki, massage, cupping, or a combination of the three, you will be glad you made the effort to take care of yourself first so you can better care for others.